Zebra G Flex Nib Fountain Pen 沾水筆筆咀鋼筆
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- 美國進口
- 以沾水筆筆咀配上鋼筆筆身
- 方便攜帶,書寫時不需要沾墨水
- Zebra G筆頭,可以寫到西洋書法的粗幼線條效果。
- 使用吸墨器上墨
- 請配合鋼筆墨水使用
Demo Video:
The Zebra G Flexpert Insert has an improved high-efficiency custom feed along with a new custom Converter. This is designed to mitigate issues of burping and risk of leaking.
Black and Navy Blue $348
- Created in honor of the American School System. Machined from solid Acrylic rod stock, it is designed to be a rugged and dependable fountain pen for students and professionals.
- Has a long and slender feel. It scores well in stress, crack, and drop tests due to its solid construction. This fountain pen was designed to keep writing for decades with minimal maintenance.
Marble Pattern $648
- Designed as a simple no-frills daily writer that balances ergonomics and aesthetics.
- Best suited for folks who prefer a more heavy/full feel when writing with the pen.
Use fountain pen ink only.