PAScribe Art Graf Liquid Graphite Calligraphy Ink (鉛筆質感墨水)
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ArtGraf與知名西洋書法家Paul Antonio聯乘推出的沾水筆墨水,寫出來會有鉛筆的質感!附上寫字效果,真實比相片更有鉛筆質感。
- 鉛筆質感,獨特效果:這款墨水寫出來的效果像鉛筆一樣,讓你的字跡既有書法的流暢感,又有鉛筆的質感,真實效果比照片更驚艷
- 多功能創作:無論是沾水筆、寬邊筆,還是繪畫、手寫字,這款墨水都能完美駕馭。高濃度顏料讓它適合各種紙張,創造出豐富的質感和層次
- 專業推薦:由知名西洋書法家Paul Antonio參與研發,專為書法愛好者設計,流暢度和不透明度都經過精心調配,絕對是創作的好幫手
- 液態石墨,創意無限:這款墨水其實是「液態石墨」,結合了鉛筆的色調與墨水的流動性,適合書法、繪畫、水彩等多種藝術形式,讓你的創作更加多樣化
Formulated in partnership with renowned calligrapher, Paul Antonio Attong, this beautifully rich and versatile ink opens up a range of creative possibilities for calligraphic artists.
Possessing the ideal viscosity and flow for pointed pen and broad edge calligraphy, this ink delivers ultimate opacity and unique character with its pencil-like finish, metallic shine.
Liquid graphite by ArtGraf. Fluid liquid with a high concentration of pigment with a lead tone. Ideal for calligraphy, drawing, watercolour, hand lettering, etc. Perfect for creating a wide variety of textures and compatible with any type of paper.
Recommended by Paul Antonio. Made in Portugal.