Reference Book 參考書籍

Michael Sull American Cursive Handwriting

Regular price HK$380.00

American Cursive Handwriting (Reference Edition) by Michael Sull with Debra Sull. 2011. 320pp. 8.5"x11". Spiral Bound.

A thorough presentation of traditional penmanship

Includes historical background, plus detailed information on writing position, writing zone, paper movement and recommended sizes of writing.

The single volume contains both a teacher guide and the student workbook/copybook. The thorough lesson plan guides the user in a straightforward, step-by-step progression to improve handwriting skill.


The instructional program consists of:

  • Traditional Movement and Cross-Drill exercise sheets with instructions for daily use.
  • Over 150 copybook sheets in the time-tested method of practice, boasting more than 375 model lines of writing and 1,575 blank lines for student use .
  • Detailed pages on letter and number construction.
  • Specially designed practice sheets featuring a progressive format of guidelines to focus the student's efforts from basic letter size, height, spacing and slant to spontaneous writing upon a single baseline.
  • Additional chapters feature selected quotations, poems, excerpts from literature and Scripture for further practice; comments on the tools of writing, with special information on the use of fountain pens; the techniques of how to write a personal letter; ten important rules of handwriting; and blank guidesheets in all formats presented in the book.

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